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HistoryeditThe Long Ryders were originally formed by several American musicians who were each multi instrumentalists and influenced by Gram Parsons, The Byrds and various country and punk rock groups. They were named after the Walter Hillfilm, The Long Riders. The band featured Sid Griffin on guitar, autoharp and bugle Stephen Mc. Carthy guitar, steel guitar, mandolin and banjo Des Brewer as bassist later replaced by Tom Stevens and Greg Sowders playing drums and percussion. Although two members were transplants from the American South, they became a popular Los Angeles rock band, forming in the early 1. Paisley Underground. With a sound reminiscent of Rubber Soul era Beatles, electric Bob Dylan, Buffalo Springfield and The Flying Burrito Brothers, but with a harder edge, they anticipated the alternative country music of the 1. Their early work contained influences of both punk largely attributable to devoted record collector Griffin and old school country championed by Mc. Carthy. Former Byrd Gene Clark joined them on their first full length album, adding vocals to the song Ivory Tower on the 1. Native Sons. 1The Long Ryders formed from the ashes of the Los Angeles band The Unclaimed. Their initial studio release the 1. EP consisted of Griffin, Brewer, Mc. Carthy, and Sowders. Brewer left after the release of 1. He was replaced by Tom Stevens and that line up remained in place as a recording unit until their eventual demise. The group disbanded in 1. Mathematica 8 Keygen Activation Key'>Mathematica 8 Keygen Activation Key. Glastonbury Festival and several other major events. The Long Ryders played their first live dates in the U. S. in more than 2. The Earl in Atlanta, Georgia, and in 2. Troubadour in Los Angeles. A live album resulted from the 2. In January 2. 01. Cherry Red Records released a Long Ryders box set, Final Wild Songs, composed of all the material from their three full length albums, their one EP, various demos and rarities, and a previously unavailable 1. Benelux radio appearance in March 1. Mojo magazine, in its February 2. They unwittingly invented Americana, but seldom receive credit for it. This 4 CD box set puts the record straight. The band subsequently played 1. Continent and in the United Kingdom in early 2. Apart from occasional Long Ryders activity, Griffin, who relocated to London, has kept busy as a solo artist and bandleader The Coal Porters,1 Western Electric, and as a music journalist and author. His latest book is Shelter from the Storm Bob Dylans Rolling Thunder Years Jawbone Press, UKU. S., 2. 01. 0, which was preceded by Million Dollar Bash Bob Dylan, The Band the Basement Tapes Jawbone Press, UKU. S., 2. 00. 7. The latter volume was reissued in 2. Bpb Dylan and The Band The Basement Tapes Complete six CD collection, to which Griffin contributed liner notes. Mc. Carthy, after a stint leading his own band, Walker Stories, and appearing on the 1. True Voices in a duet with Carla Olson on the Tom Jans song Loving Arms, returned home to Richmond, Virginia he played in the indie supergroup Gutterball with Steve Wynn and fellow Richmondites Bryan Harvey and Johnny Hott of House of Freaks, and in 2. The Jayhawks. Stevens returned to his native Indiana, earned a degree in computer science and continues to release solo albums. Additionally Sowders, who was married for a time to singer Lucinda Williams, went to work in music publishing. Brewer continued to play the Los Angeles circuit, first accompanying various female singer songwriters, and then moving on to the old school country band, the Misbegotten Cowboys. The Long Ryders have begun working on new material for a new studio album to be released hopefully in December 2. The first single Bear in the Woods can already be listened to in several online music sites. Discographyedit1. Native Sons 1. 98. State of Our Union 1. Two Fisted Tales 1. Metallic B. O. 1. Program A Genie Intellicode Remote. BBC Radio One Live in Concert 1. Anthology 1. 99. Three Minute Warnings the Long Ryders Live in New York City 2. The Best of the Long Ryders 2. State Of Our Reunion 2. Final Wild Songs 2. Rockin at the Roxy. State Of Our Reunion, Live 2. Referencesedit abcdefg. Strong, Martin C. The Great Rock Discography 5th ed. Edinburgh Mojo Books. ISBN 1 8. 41. 95 0. Huey, Steve 2. 00. Macrovision Corporation. The Long Ryders. Allmusic. Retrieved 2. External linksedit.